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Seekers Manga
Author: Erin Hunter
Number of Books in Series: 2 so far
Age Group: 8 - 12 years

Reading Level: AR 2.1-2.2
GLE estimated 2.0-2.1
F&P/GRL estimated J-K
DRA estimated 16

Book 1 Summary: Grizzly cub Toklo dreams of one day being a great big bear who will rule the forest. He will mark his wide territory and hunt the biggest game, and his brother, Tobi, will forever be at his side. Other grizzlies may stalk the forest alone, but Toklo and Tobi will always have each other. Yet for now, they're too little to defent themselves, and when a terrifying grizzly demands they leave his territory--or else--they have no choice but to abandon the only home they've ever known. Will Toklo be able to help his family find a new home--or will he just get them into even greater trouble?

Seekers Manga Book List:

This series can be read in any order.

Book 1: Seekers Manga #1: Toklo's Story
Ages 8 - 12. February 1, 2010
AR: 2.2 (0.5 Points, Quiz #136228)

Book 2: Seekers Manga #2: Kallik's Adventure
Ages 8 - 12. February 8, 2011
AR: 2.1 (0.5 Points, Quiz #151776)

Book Sets: Sets of Up to 2 Books

Other Websites for Additional Information:

Official or Publisher Website for Seekers Manga Series
Author Website for Erin Hunter


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