Horse Guardian Series
Author: Angela Dorsey
Number of Books in Series: 12
Age Group: 9 - 13 years
Book 1 Summary: When Lisa's family was forced to sell their house and horses, life became hard enough - but then her dad finds out Lisa is going everyday to visit the horse that was once hers, her beloved Jupiter, and forbids her to go again. But nothing is going to stop Lisa, not even the new owner's nephew who threatens her. And now the final blow, the nephew is abusing Jupiter! Lisa feels helpless and outnumbered. Only one thing is for certain: she will not abandon the horse she loves. She just has to find a way to solve all the problems. And then the very bad situation becomes infinitely worse.
Horse Guardian Book List:
This series can be read in any order.
Book Sets: Sets of Up to 12 Books
Other Websites for Additional Information:
Author Website for Angela Dorsey